Most events take place on the weekends and are scheduled months prior to the actual event. Authentic food is usually provided by the unit provided you pay a fee. Lodging (camping) is generally provided as well.
A tactical is an event that is an unscripted battle scenario, sort of like a military war game. During reenactments our unit will be focusing on collecting reconnaissance within the limits of the reenactment. We will conduct patrols as scouts, set up observation posts and conduct “behind the lines” operations. When not conducting reconnaissance we operate as any regular infantry unit would in combat. To summarize we are infantrymen with a special purpose, reconnaissance.
During a living history event the assignment is to educate members of the general public about german soldiers of WWII. We accomplish this by verbal communication, displays and demonstrations. During a living history event it is common to also practice training for the public and behave as if you were in garrison or behind friendly lines.
A training event is an event where the mission is to enhance the readiness of the unit. At a training event new soldiers could be taught basic training, experienced soldiers learn advanced skills and even a mock operation may take place.
To conclude the main purpose of events is for everyone to have fun and enjoy being in a unique environment. The goal is not to create a fake military force but rather to portray a small piece of a soldier's life in a leisurely way.
Most events take place on the weekends and are scheduled months prior to the actual event. Authentic food is usually provided by the unit provided you pay a fee. Lodging (camping) is generally provided as well.
A tactical is an event that is an unscripted battle scenario, sort of like a military war game. During reenactments our unit will be focusing on collecting reconnaissance within the limits of the reenactment. We will conduct patrols as scouts, set up observation posts and conduct “behind the lines” operations. When not conducting reconnaissance we operate as any regular infantry unit would in combat. To summarize we are infantrymen with a special purpose, reconnaissance.
During a living history event the assignment is to educate members of the general public about german soldiers of WWII. We accomplish this by verbal communication, displays and demonstrations. During a living history event it is common to also practice training for the public and behave as if you were in garrison or behind friendly lines.
A training event is an event where the mission is to enhance the readiness of the unit. At a training event new soldiers could be taught basic training, experienced soldiers learn advanced skills and even a mock operation may take place.
To conclude the main purpose of events is for everyone to have fun and enjoy being in a unique environment. The goal is not to create a fake military force but rather to portray a small piece of a soldier's life in a leisurely way.
Preparation for an Event
To prepare for an event the following checklist may be employed. The objective is to portray a german soldier during World War II.
To prepare for an event the following checklist may be employed. The objective is to portray a german soldier during World War II.
- Your must have a military-like or german hair cut. The hair must be very short on the sides and can be long on the top. Go to your barber and ask for “whitewalls”. The hair may be styled with period pomade or hair tonic. Information about haircuts can be elaborated on when you join the unit.
- To attend a reenactment you should be somewhat physically fit. If you go hiking or camping you should have no problem. However maintaining a somewhat proper body weight and type for a german soldier should be crucial to your portrayal. There were no commonly found 50 pound overweight infantry soldiers. Reenacting could be a great motivator to be physically fit. Physical fitness also plays into your performance during the tactical. Our unit especially is expected to be fast and agile, We are either at or beyond the front lines and we should not be slowed down by preventable causes. Our unit is only as fast as the slowest person.
- You must have your basic uniform on to attend. The uniform is covered in the “Uniform” section on the required equipment page.
- No modern tattoos or body modifications should be visible.
- All of your equipment must be in useable condition. Your canteen should be full, mess kit clean, all of your leather should be oiled/greased, your boots should be waterproofed and your weapon should be clean. All of your equipment should be marked with your name or personal 4 digit unit number.
- If food/rations are not provided ensure that you have period food or if you do not be prepared to bring a period storage method for the food that you buy at the event from the unit. (Burlap sack, tornister, crate etc.) The unit often handles food distribution and storage however for some events you must be self sufficient. Having a tornister/rucksack is encouraged. You are required to have an a frame however this only carries the bare minimum and will leave room for no comfort items.
- Come to an event heavily hydrated and fed before the event begins.
- All of your field gear and other items should be already set up before you put it in the car. If this preparation is complete all you have to do is change into your uniform and put on your equipment belt when you get to the event. (If you are unsure how to do this a unit member will assist you at the event.
- Come to an event with an open mindset ready to learn and have fun.
- Every event will have a time period, only bring period appropriate items. For example, if the unit attends a reenactment set in the winter of 1941, it would not be necessary to bring a field cap that was first issued in 1943.
- If you are ever unsure if you are doing something correctly/incorrectly please ask. Our unit members are here to help you fit into the unit.